Monday, January 26, 2009

kena tag dgn sayang aku

Here's what we should do. It's simple:
List down 5 of the products from the list below that you are boycotting, and then list down 5 of the products that you will try your best to boycott, and finally list another 5 of the products that you find it hard to boycott, and tag 5 others.

This tag is to get everyone to read the list below carefully and identify which products affects your life and the lives of the Palestinians most! You can also compare your list with your friends and see: if they can boycott one product that you haven't been boycotting, why can't you start to boycott the product too?

For the whole list of products to boykott, please crik kt web lain.haha.

5 of the products from the list that you are boycotting

Coca Cola
keras sgt dowh..sakt tekak kadang-kadang minum...memang aku akan boikot

aku bukan perokok,jadinya sangat tiada masalah untuk aku memboikot nyew..katakan taknak merokok..~! huhuhu

aku tidak memakai make up,atau sebarang benda yang berkaitan dengan alat solek...jadinya..tiada masalah untuk aku boikot..huhuhuhu


aku tak suke.

The Sun,The Times,dan Sunday Mail
aku tak suke baca surat khabar dowh....huhuhuhu

5 products i will start to boycott :
-kit kat

-aku memang dah jarang makan dan pergi tempat di atas-

5 of the products that you find it hard to boycott

sangat susah yea

aku suke gile. gile. gile. McD...jadahnye aku takleyh beb tak mkn...adeh....aku suke die nyew ice-cream..besh..adeh..takleyh boikot...takleyh...

KFC lagilah aku suke lagi aku takleyh nak boikot...maaf-maaf


aku suka kartun...


dowh...aku nak wat camne lagi...semua komputer dan laptop di rumah aku ni...semuanya intel....jadahnye....


Family aku semua pakai nokia nyew product...adeh..termasuk aku...aku dah biase guna nokia bagus...baling anjing pown masih berfungsi...adeh...

5 lucky peoples
-semua yang baca benda ni...

benda yang harus kite boikot,kite susah nak boikot..sebab-sebabnye ialah..sebab benda yang harus di boikot tu kebanyakkannye kite kena juga guna benda tu...kalo tak guna takleyh...lagi satu...barang yang kite kena boikot kebanyakkanye barang-barangnye sedap,kualiti bagus,cantik,dan market....adeh camana...???
hesh...mereka(yahudi cam lancau) tau yang kite takleyh nak boikot semua barang-barang mereka..sebab kite memerlukan barang-barang mereka..sebab tu mereka tak berapa nak risau..jadinya kepada semua penghasil atau pengusaha-pengusaha barang-barang tempatan..pastikan product anda setanding dengan product mereka(yahudi cibai)...pas tu kompom...mmglah product yahudi laknat tu..mmg habis kiterowg boikot,....adeh.....

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